Bible Study Evangelista - Sabbath Rest
Category: Dew of Heaven Tag: busyness , faith , rest , sabbath “The Sabbath was the consecration of one day of the weekly period to God as the Author of the universe and of time. The day thus being the Lord’s, it required that man should abstain from working for his own ends and interests, since by working he would appropriate the day to himself, and that he should devoted his activity to God by special acts of positive worship” (Catholic Encyclopedia). Thank you to my newest Friends of the Show, Viviana V; Cynthia C; Angela C; Catherine H; Shannon M; and Melanie M. Thank you for loving and lifting me! LOVE the Word® is a Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice: lectio without the Latin. L – Listen (Receive the Word.) O – Observe (Choose one or more of the following personality approaches to connect the passage to your life and recent events.) F | Franciscan – Spend your entire next Sunday after Mass at home, at rest. Without forcing or browbeating ot...