
Showing posts from September, 2021

Bible Study Evangelista - 09 Body and Soul at Rest

Category:  Anxiety   Tag:  anxiety ,  authority ,  deprivation ,  fear ,  healing ,  holy spirit ,  promised land ,  rest   Rest is not merely inactivity. Although it certainly includes leisure, rest involves the entire human person, in thoughts, emotions, body, and soul. In this episode we explore what the Bible means when it commands us to observe Sabbath rest. WHAT WE DISCUSSED | SHOW NOTES Overview: Minutes 00:12:00 – Loose ends Minutes 12:01-24:00 –  Rest includes the whole person: thoughts, emotions, body, and soul Minutes 24:01-36:00 – Worship/rest is part of natural law and the number one way we can begin experiencing rest in our bodies and souls  Minutes 36:01-48:00 – Worshipping properly, resting properly; next series

Bible Study Evangelista - 08 Body at Rest, Freedom from Anxiety Series

Category:  Anxiety   Tag:  anxiety ,  authority ,  deprivation ,  fear ,  healing ,  holy spirit ,  promised land ,  rebellion ,  rest   The body has two systems of protection. The immune system fights inner threats, and the “fight or flight” system protects from external threats. Stress only becomes a serious physical problem when it moves from temporary to persistent or is aggravated by negative, fear-driven thoughts and emotion.  Research shows  that fear triggers known and measurable physical and chemical responses, throwing the body into a frantic, sick state.  Neck, shoulder, head, and back problems are exoskeletal and nervous system issues – structural issues. In the Bible they are related to the will, the “structure” that human life and existence are built on. When we willfully step out from under the protective, authoritative structure God has put into place, we often experience symptoms in these ar...