Bible Study Evangelista - Back to the Basics

Rest is not a luxury, it is a spiritual discipline.
The key to finding balance in your life, to having a well-ordered life, is to follow the pattern God embedded in creation. And that rhythm involves worship/rest as the crown of the week, followed by six days of work. Worship/rest is a commandment. A proper Sunday observance helps balance our lives and gives meaning to our time.
“[Christians] are obliged in conscience to arrange their Sunday rest in a way which allows them to take part in the Eucharist, refraining from work and activities which are incompatible with the sanctification of the Lord’s Day, with its characteristic joy and necessary rest for spirit and body . . . Understood and lived in this fashion, Sunday in a way becomes the soul of the other days, and in this sense we can recall the insight of Origen that the perfect Christian “is always in the Lord’s Day, and is always celebrating Sunday” (St. John Paul II, Dies Domini)
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